

The astonishing power of thermodynamics, developed in its basic structure in the 19th century, stems largely from its coarse-grained viewpoint, abstracting from details of implementations, giving rise to a description of a plethora of physical systems. Still, new questions arise - going beyond the traditional picture of thermodynamics - when aiming at capturing small devices, for which stochastic fluctuations matter, or machines and devices for which quantum effects are expected to play a significant role. Recent years have seen an enormously revived interest in understanding the realm of quantum thermodynamics, the study of thermodynamic state transformations in regimes in which entanglement, quantum fluctuations, quantum information exchange, and coherences are presumably relevant. While first successes in the theoretical understanding of the impact of quantum effects have been achieved, say, when it comes to replacing second laws by entire families of second laws or to understanding in what way a quantum memory allows the work cost in Landauer erasure to be negative, many conceptual questions remain wide open. Perhaps most importantly, experimental realizations are lacking that ultimately demonstrate the asserted quantum advantage.

This Research Unit sets out to fill these gaps. It brings together leading experimental researchers performing experiments on trapped ions, ultra-cold atoms, and NV-centres and suggests novel ways of suitable quantum effects, as well as a well-chosen consortium of theorists working in the field of quantum thermodynamics. This is a highly challenging endeavour. On the one hand this is true since substantial experimental development is required to establish platforms that have the potential to enhance work and power extraction and actually exhibit genuine quantum effects. On the other hand, since conceptual theoretical questions need to be settled still: Importantly, a clarification is required in what precise sense realistic and realizable quantum machines can outperform classical ones, relating to resource theories, in what way small systems are expected to thermalize, how traditional views on system-bath separation can be challenged, and how connections to quantum error correction may be established. This work is expected to have an impact on our understanding of the foundations of thermodynamical processes, accepting that nature is ultimately quantum. It is also likely to have important technological implications, say, when it comes to devising cooling techniques or quantum refrigerators. Thus, this Research Unit is expected to make a change in ultimately demonstrating that quantum thermodynamics has the potential to improve quantum heat engines, and in providing a hub for discussion and interchange within the German research landscape and beyond.

Project 1: Quantum thermalization control

Equilibration and thermalization of quantum many-body systems and their controllability are long-standing unresolved issues of theoretical physics. First exciting experiments exploring these issues have become available in the last few years. This state of affairs will be the starting point for achieving quantum thermalization control in the context of quantum thermodynamics.

Project 2: Quantum
heat engines

 A fundamental understanding of the role of genuine quantum processes in quantum heat engines is currently lacking. While powerful theoretical tools exist to describe the operations of quantum heat engines in perturbative regimes, a consistent simulation platform for a non-perturbative approach needs yet to be formulated in order to capture non-adiabatic regimes, or very low temperatures and strong couplings, or quantum correlations between work agent and baths. On the experimental side, and based on the excellent progress for controlling single- and multi-particle systems, either with ultra-cold atoms or ion crystals or solid-state systems such as colour centres, we have seen first classical micro heat-engines that have been realized. However, heat engines operating deep in the quantum regime, or quantum refrigerators have only been proposed but not experimentally realized so far.

Project 3: Quantum refrigerators, sensing and the third law

The ultimate bounds of cooling quantum systems, particularly the unattainability of the absolute zero or the possibility of violating common views of the third law are not clear yet. Also, experimental implementations are lacking, although refrigerators operating in the deep quantum regime have been suggested, including a single qutrit cooling a qubit. These limitations will be overcome in this project.

Project 4: Foundations of quantum thermodynamics

The standard paradigm of thermodynamics is that of a system weakly coupled to a thermal reservoir. The two central quantities of the theory are work and heat from which entropy and free energies can be derived. The second law for the entropy then plays a pivotal role in limiting the amount of useful work that may be extracted from the system. Lately, these very foundations of thermodynamics have been challenged in the quantum regime. Key assumptions such as weak coupling, thermal reservoirs, Gibbs distribution and a unique entropy have been challenged and relaxed. Furthermore, conceptual issues such as how to properly theoretically define and experimentally measure work and heat in the quantum regime have emerged. It is fair to say that none of these problems have been satisfactorily solved today.

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